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In the past many communities could heat their homes with coal mined from local pits or wood sourced from local woodland.

As the cost of fuel continues to increase, more and more groups across the UK are keen to bring the methods and means of producing energy back into their own community.

Severn Wye has been supporting groups across the South West of England and Wales to do this for a number of years.

Some of the biggest changes that are occurring in the energy sector these days are being driven by local community groups. Volunteers with good intentions, enthusiasm and a belief that they can make a difference are now taking action to bring energy production back into their communities and help friends, neighbours and relatives benefit from energy efficiency measures and renewable energy developments.

Often this work is carried out in people’s spare time, sometimes alongside full-time jobs, and sometimes with little or no technical expertise. This is where Severn Wye can come in.
Our project managers, technical team and renewables experts can support communities from the initial conception through to installation and beyond. We can provide technical knowledge on the whole array of renewables technology and on the ground support to help communities manage sustainability projects.

To discuss how the Severn Wye Energy Communities team could help you, please get in touch.

And why not read our handy guides on energy efficiency and renewable energy in community buildings:

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